Friday, September 24, 2010

Spicy PB=Great Find.

My neighbor mentioned that she had picked up some spicy peanut butter at the local farmers market. I have to admit that I was intrigued. I stopped by yesterday to see if it was worthy of all the fuss she made. After I tried it, I realized that she hadn't given it even half the credit that it was due. I love pb anyway, but this pb has a little after burn(and I liked the way it tickled my throat and tongue). Needless to say, I snagged a container and now it is nestled away in my pantry. I hear it calling my name. I must resist.

Art journal from LBG.

Tutorial found here.

Lovely lady.

These are photos from my niece's photo shoot for Lace and Denim. She is wearing a variety of lines, but in the last photo she is wearing Klina. Klina is Shelley's (Vic's sis) line of girl's dresses. She did surprisingly well with a camera in her face. She is a natural! We are so proud!

Fromage Blanc

I bought my friend/coworker Christina fromage blanc from a local farmer's market for her birthday. I knew it was a fantastic cheese, but I did not realize that it had so many uses. The photograph above came from here and it is a fromage blanc pudding with strawberry sauce. Wowsa.